Preface for Message 9, February 21, 2013, Tuesday: Crowns of Glory
Scroll down to see Message 9, The Fullness of Time
New beginnings. I say this is a new day, a new season, a new vision. Old things have passed away and I make all things new. The fire, the crucible, is to forge together the pieces and cause them to hold. When iron is spot welded, it causes the relationship to become stronger than before. I have said in My Word that I come as a refiner's fire and this I have done. You obeyed My Word to go into the upper room and now the time has come to come out and to go forth.
I empower you with the anointing to go and to do that which has long since been in My heart. This same desire which is in My heart, I have placed in yours. It is to My glory that I have hidden secrets and mysteries of My kingdom. It is to My greater glory that I now reveal My purpose, My place, My vision. Firebrand is just as the Word implies – that I first have placed My mark upon you to be the carriers of My glory; and where I send you, where you go, there will My glory shine. There are many who will be touched by the light of My presence. Unknowingly, they will enter My presence being drawn by the warmth of My glory and My unfailing love.
You will begin to see the changes in a moment, in the suddenlies, for I have forged you into My likeness. I have proven you to be true to me and the calling I have called you with. You will be the carriers of My presence and My power. Stay true to the call I have called you with, for you are also chosen; chosen to bear My crowns of glory.
The vision is breaking forth in power and glory, for the vision is Me. Why would one settle for parts and pieces of a vision when the whole vision is revealed in Me? Just like I have taught you with My gifts of Holy Spirit, they manifest as Holy Spirit wills. One is connected to heaven and eternity and to the Eternal God Who sees all and knows all. Out of eternity, He speaks through Holy Spirit, and that which comes forth is done in the earth. This is the way and method I release to you today. I am the vision and Holy spirit manifests that which is My desire.
Keep your eyes upon Me, keep your ears attentive to My voice and My Spirit, for truly I will guide you in the way you should go; and where I am, there are miracles, angels, [and] anointing flowing from My very presence with every need met. Place your feet on higher ground, for where you stand in My presence is holy ground. I am El Shaddai, the All Mighty God.
Father, do we stay or go? Be at peace my child, be at peace. There is coming a great unveiling. The wedge wood will bring together that which I have spoken and that which I bring together cannot be put asunder. I am One God, the great three in one; so it will be with you, three in one. I speak of a great mystery, the mystery I am about to reveal which will cause great joy and you will glorify Me. This is the message I give to you today: Get ready to receive that which I have prepared for you. You and your work have been tested and judged and found true, for you have walked in My love obeying My Word. The reward is found to be great, for I am great and I am true to My Word.
I have groomed Elaine to depend on Me as I am her husband, and upon Me does she depend. I have given to her My wisdom in great measure, but it is measured and only as needed. She is My daughter, she is My bride. I am coming to her house, the house she has built for Me; and with Me come many angels assigned to her for this hour and time.
To divide is to multiply. This Word have you followed. You have dared to cross over in faith, believing and trusting in Me and My Word. Each to his own, and yet they are one. Out of this will spring forth many blessings of the Lord, for you have chosen Me and I have chosen you. The overshadowing of My Spirit is now as He broods over you like that of a mothering eagle.
This is how something is created out of nothing. I speak it, the Word and the Holy Spirit brings it forth. This is where the many miracles come from which I worked as the Son of Man in the earth. This is why I said, "I say nothing I do not hear My Father say, and I do only what My Father shows Me."
Everything I did as the Son of Man was because I and My Father are one. It is He Who lives in Me, doing His mighty acts. So it is with you. I have drawn you into the place of unity with my everlasting and unfailing love. I have a covenant with you because you have seen, believed and received as did Abraham. You are of his seed; I am the SEED! Out of Me flow the mighty acts of My Father and yours.
Rest in Me, listen to My voice, focus on me; for We, My Father and I, are coming in glory and power. Out of our presence, the miraculous flows. Be faithful! Be steadfast, for I am faithful and I am steadfast. I am HOLY!
I empower you with the anointing to go and to do that which has long since been in My heart. This same desire which is in My heart, I have placed in yours. It is to My glory that I have hidden secrets and mysteries of My kingdom. It is to My greater glory that I now reveal My purpose, My place, My vision. Firebrand is just as the Word implies – that I first have placed My mark upon you to be the carriers of My glory; and where I send you, where you go, there will My glory shine. There are many who will be touched by the light of My presence. Unknowingly, they will enter My presence being drawn by the warmth of My glory and My unfailing love.
You will begin to see the changes in a moment, in the suddenlies, for I have forged you into My likeness. I have proven you to be true to me and the calling I have called you with. You will be the carriers of My presence and My power. Stay true to the call I have called you with, for you are also chosen; chosen to bear My crowns of glory.
The vision is breaking forth in power and glory, for the vision is Me. Why would one settle for parts and pieces of a vision when the whole vision is revealed in Me? Just like I have taught you with My gifts of Holy Spirit, they manifest as Holy Spirit wills. One is connected to heaven and eternity and to the Eternal God Who sees all and knows all. Out of eternity, He speaks through Holy Spirit, and that which comes forth is done in the earth. This is the way and method I release to you today. I am the vision and Holy spirit manifests that which is My desire.
Keep your eyes upon Me, keep your ears attentive to My voice and My Spirit, for truly I will guide you in the way you should go; and where I am, there are miracles, angels, [and] anointing flowing from My very presence with every need met. Place your feet on higher ground, for where you stand in My presence is holy ground. I am El Shaddai, the All Mighty God.
Father, do we stay or go? Be at peace my child, be at peace. There is coming a great unveiling. The wedge wood will bring together that which I have spoken and that which I bring together cannot be put asunder. I am One God, the great three in one; so it will be with you, three in one. I speak of a great mystery, the mystery I am about to reveal which will cause great joy and you will glorify Me. This is the message I give to you today: Get ready to receive that which I have prepared for you. You and your work have been tested and judged and found true, for you have walked in My love obeying My Word. The reward is found to be great, for I am great and I am true to My Word.
I have groomed Elaine to depend on Me as I am her husband, and upon Me does she depend. I have given to her My wisdom in great measure, but it is measured and only as needed. She is My daughter, she is My bride. I am coming to her house, the house she has built for Me; and with Me come many angels assigned to her for this hour and time.
To divide is to multiply. This Word have you followed. You have dared to cross over in faith, believing and trusting in Me and My Word. Each to his own, and yet they are one. Out of this will spring forth many blessings of the Lord, for you have chosen Me and I have chosen you. The overshadowing of My Spirit is now as He broods over you like that of a mothering eagle.
This is how something is created out of nothing. I speak it, the Word and the Holy Spirit brings it forth. This is where the many miracles come from which I worked as the Son of Man in the earth. This is why I said, "I say nothing I do not hear My Father say, and I do only what My Father shows Me."
Everything I did as the Son of Man was because I and My Father are one. It is He Who lives in Me, doing His mighty acts. So it is with you. I have drawn you into the place of unity with my everlasting and unfailing love. I have a covenant with you because you have seen, believed and received as did Abraham. You are of his seed; I am the SEED! Out of Me flow the mighty acts of My Father and yours.
Rest in Me, listen to My voice, focus on me; for We, My Father and I, are coming in glory and power. Out of our presence, the miraculous flows. Be faithful! Be steadfast, for I am faithful and I am steadfast. I am HOLY!
Message 9. March 5, 2013, Tuesday: The Fullness of Time
Rise up! Again, I say rise up, for this is the season of deliverance. There are many of My people who have been taken captive by the forces of darkness. Understanding has come today that for every prisoner (of hope) there is a call(ing) which goes unanswered. The assignments with each calling are left undone. When the assignment is left undone, there is a portion of My glory left without.
I have called you to set the prisoners free, to visit those who are bound in chains of darkness, prisoners of hopelessness and despair. When you hear the chains begin to rattle, you can know the spirit of My Grace is moving as the winds of freedom begin to blow. This is the year of the Lord when I Myself come to you with personal involvement as you partner with me in the unseen realm.
There are many angels, even legions, assigned to the tasks at hand. They will equip you as they guide you, for I am their conquering leader, the captain and the Lord of all the hosts of heaven. You have dared to step out in faith, even building a bridge of trust leading to the stairway up and through an open heaven. Rest in Me in knowing I have prepared a place for you; and in so doing, the glory of My presence abides there.
The city is ripe for the taking. The harvest is ripe for the gathering. I will open doors for you [that you] have not considered, for you have not even thought or imagined that which I am about to unfold. The door I open is the door to all possibilities. Learn to listen, hear and think as I speak My thoughts and render unto Me all that is Mine, for I am God and beside Me there is no other. Expect the unexpected! Believe Me for the impossible. My blessings rest upon that which I have blessed. That which I have ordained is where My blessings rest.
You have realigned, and in so doing you have come into My kingdom's order. When one is in My kingdom's order, therein is the power of My kingdom released and is demonstrated. Think not about the giants in the land, for I have dispatched warring angels to go before you, with you and behind you. You will begin to see the dust of the past begin to swirl, and you will know that is where My Spirit is moving – even the winds of My Spirit blowing, creating the vortex which is My power that has come to release the miracles of heaven.
Get up! Arise, for the Glory of the Lord has risen upon you! The glory of My presence was released in the upper room Sunday evening. I entered when you reached out to love the unlovable (by the standards of the world). You have shown to Me hearts of love and compassion. You have obeyed in offering up the first fruits of the harvest. So it is today that My kingdom comes and My will is done in the earth as I have ordained it in heaven.
Not only is it the season to harvest, but also the season of jubilee; for I have come to forgive your debts and open up to you the windows of heaven and the keys to the storehouse have I given to you. These have I placed in your hands to open prison doors and set the captives free; for I, the Lord of Hosts, have need of them. As you go forth to the place and the places I have ordained, I will give you specific instructions. Found within these specific instructions are divine appointments, all to My glory.
The Army of the Lord is being gathered; the miraculous is forming and is ready to be birthed, for in the spring, the lambs and offspring will come forth. Set your mind, your heart, your eyes, and your ears upon the King of Glory. Open up the gates that He may be received in His power and in His glory, for He comes riding upon the white horse and His sword is in his mouth. His Name is the Word of God, and He comes to be received by His people. To those who receive Him does He bestow the crown of Life, the crown of Glory, that they too may ride with Him as Lord Sabaoth- Mighty Warrior – dressed for battle. The worship will change, for I have said, "Send Judah first."
This company and tribe is not that of just the leaders, but encompasses all that worship Me in Spirit and in Truth. This is the Army of the Lamb, His prophetic voice in the earth. It was not a difficult thing for Me to cause the walls of Jericho to fall. Neither is it a difficult thing for Me to cause the walls of this great city [and] this great state to fall. I am speaking of the walls of dissention and strife. Do as I say to you to do, even as my leader Joshua did, and you will see the miraculous occur, even as he did but in a greater measure. This is all to My glory and to the honor of My Name as it is exalted in all the earth. The rulers of the ages will marvel as I appear in power and glory, but also in authority. This power, glory and authority will I give to those whose hearts beat as Mine. I am coming. Be ready. As you watch for this Word to manifest before your eyes, be alerted that we are in the season of "Suddenly."
This is the ninth message, for this is the fullness of time!
Isaiah 29:5-6 New International Version (NIV)
5 But your many enemies will become like fine dust,
the ruthless hordes like blown chaff.
Suddenly, in an instant,
6 the Lord Almighty will come
with thunder and earthquake and great noise,
with windstorm and tempest and flames of a devouring fire.
I have called you to set the prisoners free, to visit those who are bound in chains of darkness, prisoners of hopelessness and despair. When you hear the chains begin to rattle, you can know the spirit of My Grace is moving as the winds of freedom begin to blow. This is the year of the Lord when I Myself come to you with personal involvement as you partner with me in the unseen realm.
There are many angels, even legions, assigned to the tasks at hand. They will equip you as they guide you, for I am their conquering leader, the captain and the Lord of all the hosts of heaven. You have dared to step out in faith, even building a bridge of trust leading to the stairway up and through an open heaven. Rest in Me in knowing I have prepared a place for you; and in so doing, the glory of My presence abides there.
The city is ripe for the taking. The harvest is ripe for the gathering. I will open doors for you [that you] have not considered, for you have not even thought or imagined that which I am about to unfold. The door I open is the door to all possibilities. Learn to listen, hear and think as I speak My thoughts and render unto Me all that is Mine, for I am God and beside Me there is no other. Expect the unexpected! Believe Me for the impossible. My blessings rest upon that which I have blessed. That which I have ordained is where My blessings rest.
You have realigned, and in so doing you have come into My kingdom's order. When one is in My kingdom's order, therein is the power of My kingdom released and is demonstrated. Think not about the giants in the land, for I have dispatched warring angels to go before you, with you and behind you. You will begin to see the dust of the past begin to swirl, and you will know that is where My Spirit is moving – even the winds of My Spirit blowing, creating the vortex which is My power that has come to release the miracles of heaven.
Get up! Arise, for the Glory of the Lord has risen upon you! The glory of My presence was released in the upper room Sunday evening. I entered when you reached out to love the unlovable (by the standards of the world). You have shown to Me hearts of love and compassion. You have obeyed in offering up the first fruits of the harvest. So it is today that My kingdom comes and My will is done in the earth as I have ordained it in heaven.
Not only is it the season to harvest, but also the season of jubilee; for I have come to forgive your debts and open up to you the windows of heaven and the keys to the storehouse have I given to you. These have I placed in your hands to open prison doors and set the captives free; for I, the Lord of Hosts, have need of them. As you go forth to the place and the places I have ordained, I will give you specific instructions. Found within these specific instructions are divine appointments, all to My glory.
The Army of the Lord is being gathered; the miraculous is forming and is ready to be birthed, for in the spring, the lambs and offspring will come forth. Set your mind, your heart, your eyes, and your ears upon the King of Glory. Open up the gates that He may be received in His power and in His glory, for He comes riding upon the white horse and His sword is in his mouth. His Name is the Word of God, and He comes to be received by His people. To those who receive Him does He bestow the crown of Life, the crown of Glory, that they too may ride with Him as Lord Sabaoth- Mighty Warrior – dressed for battle. The worship will change, for I have said, "Send Judah first."
This company and tribe is not that of just the leaders, but encompasses all that worship Me in Spirit and in Truth. This is the Army of the Lamb, His prophetic voice in the earth. It was not a difficult thing for Me to cause the walls of Jericho to fall. Neither is it a difficult thing for Me to cause the walls of this great city [and] this great state to fall. I am speaking of the walls of dissention and strife. Do as I say to you to do, even as my leader Joshua did, and you will see the miraculous occur, even as he did but in a greater measure. This is all to My glory and to the honor of My Name as it is exalted in all the earth. The rulers of the ages will marvel as I appear in power and glory, but also in authority. This power, glory and authority will I give to those whose hearts beat as Mine. I am coming. Be ready. As you watch for this Word to manifest before your eyes, be alerted that we are in the season of "Suddenly."
This is the ninth message, for this is the fullness of time!
Isaiah 29:5-6 New International Version (NIV)
5 But your many enemies will become like fine dust,
the ruthless hordes like blown chaff.
Suddenly, in an instant,
6 the Lord Almighty will come
with thunder and earthquake and great noise,
with windstorm and tempest and flames of a devouring fire.