Message Eight. January 1, 2013, Tuesday: New Day, New Year
This temple is now the place to worship me in Spirit and in Truth. Miraculous things will begin to occur as I am worshipped. Angels have been assigned all about the people and the property without and within. I will cause a stir, a commotion of My Sprit as was in the days of old when My Spirit was poured out upon those who gathered in expectancy of My coming. I will cause the fire of My glory to come to rest on the people and the place I have chosen. Hold on to that which I have promised, for I am faithful and well able to do all that I have spoken.
I am the first and I am the last. I am that I am. All things begin and end with Me, for I am the author and all things end with Me because I am the finisher. I create, I raise up, and I bring down. Nothing is too difficult for Me. All of heaven is at my bidding. I have legions and legions of warring angels ready with drawn swords to do that which I speak. Many of these angels have been dispatched to this city to war on behalf of JUSTICE and to this great state which is looked down upon by many. Yes, I do strange things in the eyes of those who live only for the moment - those who are locked into and sold out to this moment with no thought of the eternal realm or Me, says the Lord of Hosts.
There will come a great stir in the city of my making and you will hear the sound of My trumpet – the sound of My voice which will be the rustling in the tops of the trees, and you will know to go forth, for I have given you the city. This is to My glory.
Prepare your heart to believe Me for greater things, for that which I have prepared for you is breath taking, earth shaking, and startling to the natural man. There will be a rumor to begin and will spread throughout the city, then the state, to the nation and the nations. I work through those who are Mine and also in obscure places. It is Mine to will and to work as I ordain and in the council of My will. It is I Who has purposed these things, and it is I Who will bring them to pass to your good and benefit and to My glory.
Yes, this is message eight, for this is a new day, a new year and the beginning of the fulfillment of My promises to you. Celebrate! Celebrate Me, for I am coming to a people prepared to receive Me in My glory, a people who honor Me with their lips and in their hearts.
I saw you and your husband as you have given back to me everything I had given to you, and I was and am well pleased. That which you did not know as this is the key to unlock ancient doors and open the treasures hidden in darkness saved for such a time as this. You have asked to be led by miracles to ensure safe passage on My path in My perfect will, and to you this has been granted. You did not ask for miracles as a sign, but as a guide in following Me and My plans, and to you this request has been granted.
The enemy of darkness which would conceal and hide in the bushes has been dealt with, for I have caused the fire of My glory to burn the bushes, re-routing the enemy and bringing light to the treasures concealed and hidden in the past. But today is a New Day and New Year – the Year of My Glory.
Man has said the number thirteen was unlucky, and for the superstitious that believe and worship demons, this is true; for they open the door to the demons and the demon's world. But those who believe in me and in whom My kingdom resides, thirteen is the year I have spoken and declared to be the Year of Covenant. The covenant of God with man is seven plus six = thirteen, the year of harvest, the year of fulfillment. I am God Who created time, and I have all things in My hands.
This is the year of the great divide of the kingdom of darkness and the kingdom of light. The sorcerers will be exposed as the prophets speak forth My Word. This is the day of new beginnings as the war is waged and the battle is had in the heavenlies. This is the day where I will show Myself strong among My people. The prince of the power of the air will be mute as his mouth is gagged and My Name is declared and exalted.
I will open up avenues which have been closed to the common man. I say "common" because they are unknown in religious circles but are known to Me. I am intervening on behalf of My people [in ways] not seen since the days of old. The time is short and there is work to do. We must work and all must walk while there is light, for soon the darkness will be given permission to reign. But before the darkness comes, there will be the brilliance of My glory such as that which has never been seen in the earth, for I Who am the Shekinah glory of heaven have imparted My glory into my followers in the earth and where I am, there are My servants.
The glory and the knowledge of My glory will cover the earth as my followers go where I am and follow Me, for I am the Light of the world!
I am the first and I am the last. I am that I am. All things begin and end with Me, for I am the author and all things end with Me because I am the finisher. I create, I raise up, and I bring down. Nothing is too difficult for Me. All of heaven is at my bidding. I have legions and legions of warring angels ready with drawn swords to do that which I speak. Many of these angels have been dispatched to this city to war on behalf of JUSTICE and to this great state which is looked down upon by many. Yes, I do strange things in the eyes of those who live only for the moment - those who are locked into and sold out to this moment with no thought of the eternal realm or Me, says the Lord of Hosts.
There will come a great stir in the city of my making and you will hear the sound of My trumpet – the sound of My voice which will be the rustling in the tops of the trees, and you will know to go forth, for I have given you the city. This is to My glory.
Prepare your heart to believe Me for greater things, for that which I have prepared for you is breath taking, earth shaking, and startling to the natural man. There will be a rumor to begin and will spread throughout the city, then the state, to the nation and the nations. I work through those who are Mine and also in obscure places. It is Mine to will and to work as I ordain and in the council of My will. It is I Who has purposed these things, and it is I Who will bring them to pass to your good and benefit and to My glory.
Yes, this is message eight, for this is a new day, a new year and the beginning of the fulfillment of My promises to you. Celebrate! Celebrate Me, for I am coming to a people prepared to receive Me in My glory, a people who honor Me with their lips and in their hearts.
I saw you and your husband as you have given back to me everything I had given to you, and I was and am well pleased. That which you did not know as this is the key to unlock ancient doors and open the treasures hidden in darkness saved for such a time as this. You have asked to be led by miracles to ensure safe passage on My path in My perfect will, and to you this has been granted. You did not ask for miracles as a sign, but as a guide in following Me and My plans, and to you this request has been granted.
The enemy of darkness which would conceal and hide in the bushes has been dealt with, for I have caused the fire of My glory to burn the bushes, re-routing the enemy and bringing light to the treasures concealed and hidden in the past. But today is a New Day and New Year – the Year of My Glory.
Man has said the number thirteen was unlucky, and for the superstitious that believe and worship demons, this is true; for they open the door to the demons and the demon's world. But those who believe in me and in whom My kingdom resides, thirteen is the year I have spoken and declared to be the Year of Covenant. The covenant of God with man is seven plus six = thirteen, the year of harvest, the year of fulfillment. I am God Who created time, and I have all things in My hands.
This is the year of the great divide of the kingdom of darkness and the kingdom of light. The sorcerers will be exposed as the prophets speak forth My Word. This is the day of new beginnings as the war is waged and the battle is had in the heavenlies. This is the day where I will show Myself strong among My people. The prince of the power of the air will be mute as his mouth is gagged and My Name is declared and exalted.
I will open up avenues which have been closed to the common man. I say "common" because they are unknown in religious circles but are known to Me. I am intervening on behalf of My people [in ways] not seen since the days of old. The time is short and there is work to do. We must work and all must walk while there is light, for soon the darkness will be given permission to reign. But before the darkness comes, there will be the brilliance of My glory such as that which has never been seen in the earth, for I Who am the Shekinah glory of heaven have imparted My glory into my followers in the earth and where I am, there are My servants.
The glory and the knowledge of My glory will cover the earth as my followers go where I am and follow Me, for I am the Light of the world!