Message Five. August 6, 2012, Monday: Arise and Shine!
Wine, bread and yeast - these are the ingredients of My kingdom. I am many things to many people, but I am God. In this, I am many people, [and] I have many attributes all found within My Names. While I am the Prince of Peace, I came bearing a sword. While I am Everlasting Father, I am also the only begotten Son of God. While I am the Sacrificial Lamb, I am also the High Priest Who sprinkled the blood of the eternal covenant on the mercy seat in heaven. I am the Suffering Servant and the King of Glory. When I say I am many people, I am saying there are many faces and functions to My Name. I am the First and the Last. I am the Alpha and the Omega. I Am that I Am! I have always been and I will always be. I am God. I am the Word of God, the creator of all things, and all things are held together by My Word. I am Father, Son and Holy Spirit, the one and only God Who is the great three in one. I am God of the living and I am God of the dead. I am God of those who profess Me, and I am God of those who deny Me, for I am God. I have always been and will always be. I am sovereign, almighty, and eternal God. There was no god before Me, there is no god beside Me, and there is no god after Me. I ALONE AM GOD.
Do you believe Me? My Word declares that one must believe Me, that I am, and [must] seek Me with all diligence; and in this there is great reward. I rule and reign over all. I set in motion from before time began. I set the boundaries of the seas, the waters, and I set the seasons. I am God of all eternity! I see all, I know all, and I possess all power. I am all authority and it is from this place that I rule and reign. I smite the enemy and he is smitten. I take from one and give it to another. I raise one up, and I lay one low. I plant and that which I have planted does flourish. That which I have not planted I cause to be uprooted and I send the eastern wind. I raised up a tree for Jonah, a shade, and sent worms to cause it to wilt. I am Sovereign God. I set the sun, moon, and stars in place. I caused the sun to stand still for my warrior Joshua and caused the star to come to rest over my only begotten Son Jesus in Bethlehem at the appointed time. I am the God of time, for I am the God of eternity.
There is nothing too difficult for Me and there is nothing too difficult for you if you believe in Me and My word, even every Word that proceeds from My mouth. I am God, and I do not change. I am the same yesterday, today, and forever. My Word is forever settled in heaven, for My word is Me – Who is I Am. See Me as I am and you will walk where My Son (the Son of Man) walked in the wonderful place of unity and glory, the place where the supernatural rules the natural, the place where water is turned into wine, food is multiplied, the storm is stilled, the blind see, the deaf hear, the lame walk, diseases and infirmity is broken, and demons are cast out – the place where the anointing, the Spirit of the Lord, rests upon one and the Spirit of Christ and Grace flourishes unhindered. The Holy Spirit flows in full manifestation - demonstrating and declaring the Kingdom of God has come, for the King of Glory is here!
My Words are given to cause you to see, for the time is now when I say to you, arise and shine, for the glory of the Lord has arisen upon you. The places which have been dark in the past will become the places of light, for you are the carrier of My glory, for your eyes are opened to see the Great I Am, Who is the King of Glory - the greatest prophet of all who came with the written Word of God and the spoken Word of God. The time is now when My kingdom will be ushered in with the power of My glory. The places of resistance of the past which created obstruction, obstacles and hindrances are removed; for My glory has arisen upon you. You have allowed, through faith and belief, even that of trust, for me to arise in your midst. I am the Morning Star and today I have arisen in your heart, for this is the dawning of a new day, a new season, and a new year, for this is the year of harvest unlike the years past. You will look across the field of My kingdom and see the fields are white unto harvest.
The devourer is rebuked, the storehouse is built, and I have designed and built the resting place for My glory. The strange will become the familiar; the new will become the old, for this is the season of multiplication and miracles. I will provide, for I am the Lord and yes, I have need of it. I am releasing My vision and my Father releases pro-vision to that which He shows to Me. This is the time of My coming and My supply. As you align with Me, heaven and earth will come into alignment and blessings will flow unhindered. This is to My and My Father's glory. Be aware that the timer has been set on the stop watch and the countdown has begun.
This is the fifth message, for it is five o'clock.
("The evening sacrifice." I [Linda] heard this.)
Do you believe Me? My Word declares that one must believe Me, that I am, and [must] seek Me with all diligence; and in this there is great reward. I rule and reign over all. I set in motion from before time began. I set the boundaries of the seas, the waters, and I set the seasons. I am God of all eternity! I see all, I know all, and I possess all power. I am all authority and it is from this place that I rule and reign. I smite the enemy and he is smitten. I take from one and give it to another. I raise one up, and I lay one low. I plant and that which I have planted does flourish. That which I have not planted I cause to be uprooted and I send the eastern wind. I raised up a tree for Jonah, a shade, and sent worms to cause it to wilt. I am Sovereign God. I set the sun, moon, and stars in place. I caused the sun to stand still for my warrior Joshua and caused the star to come to rest over my only begotten Son Jesus in Bethlehem at the appointed time. I am the God of time, for I am the God of eternity.
There is nothing too difficult for Me and there is nothing too difficult for you if you believe in Me and My word, even every Word that proceeds from My mouth. I am God, and I do not change. I am the same yesterday, today, and forever. My Word is forever settled in heaven, for My word is Me – Who is I Am. See Me as I am and you will walk where My Son (the Son of Man) walked in the wonderful place of unity and glory, the place where the supernatural rules the natural, the place where water is turned into wine, food is multiplied, the storm is stilled, the blind see, the deaf hear, the lame walk, diseases and infirmity is broken, and demons are cast out – the place where the anointing, the Spirit of the Lord, rests upon one and the Spirit of Christ and Grace flourishes unhindered. The Holy Spirit flows in full manifestation - demonstrating and declaring the Kingdom of God has come, for the King of Glory is here!
My Words are given to cause you to see, for the time is now when I say to you, arise and shine, for the glory of the Lord has arisen upon you. The places which have been dark in the past will become the places of light, for you are the carrier of My glory, for your eyes are opened to see the Great I Am, Who is the King of Glory - the greatest prophet of all who came with the written Word of God and the spoken Word of God. The time is now when My kingdom will be ushered in with the power of My glory. The places of resistance of the past which created obstruction, obstacles and hindrances are removed; for My glory has arisen upon you. You have allowed, through faith and belief, even that of trust, for me to arise in your midst. I am the Morning Star and today I have arisen in your heart, for this is the dawning of a new day, a new season, and a new year, for this is the year of harvest unlike the years past. You will look across the field of My kingdom and see the fields are white unto harvest.
The devourer is rebuked, the storehouse is built, and I have designed and built the resting place for My glory. The strange will become the familiar; the new will become the old, for this is the season of multiplication and miracles. I will provide, for I am the Lord and yes, I have need of it. I am releasing My vision and my Father releases pro-vision to that which He shows to Me. This is the time of My coming and My supply. As you align with Me, heaven and earth will come into alignment and blessings will flow unhindered. This is to My and My Father's glory. Be aware that the timer has been set on the stop watch and the countdown has begun.
This is the fifth message, for it is five o'clock.
("The evening sacrifice." I [Linda] heard this.)