Hear the word of the lord: in days past I have spoken and I have revealed my heart and my mind. I have spoken my word and my will. Many have gone out but you have had ears to hear. I love those who do have ears to hear and they have heard. They have heard the voice of my heart. The sound of my heart is heard even as the strings of a harp. The sound goes forth as the winds of my spirit blow on the strings of my harps, even those vessels – those instruments who allow the strings which attach my heart to their heart to play the melodies I have desired. Down through the ages when I have spoken there were those who heard and understood and there were those who heard a 'sound' but had no understanding. (I saw angels playing harps and some angels as they flapped their wings caused the winds to blow.)
I am sending (have sent) my holy angels into the earth to accomplish that which I have given them to do. These are worshipping angels who cause the winds of my spirit to blow on the strings of my heart which reach out to all whose hearts are connected to mine.
As the symphony begins, the sound will gather together those whose hears are in symphony and harmony with the sound coming from the throne room and carried on the winds of the spirit by the worshipping angels. As the symphony begins, those who are in unity and harmony – those who worship me in spirit and in truth will enter into that place of my glory and there will we meet with them.
Yesterday is over and truly this is a new day and new hour. The hour has come for me to be glorified through those who worship me in spirit and in truth.
Cause me to come as I cause you to come – ever drawing you closer to me – tugging at the strings of your heart. Let me play the love song of my eternal and everlasting love.
The old has passed away and behold, I am making all things new. I will lift you up into the very heavenlies as you lift me up in worship.
Lift up not only your eyes, but lift up your heads and lift up your hearts.
Speak to the gates eternal and see that they will open, that the king of glory may enter into your very presence.
Shout! Shout! Shout! Dance! Dance! Dance! For I truly rejoice over you, for I lovingly dance over you.
Reach out to the heavenlies. Reach out and touch the stars. Reach out and touch the 'morning star' embracing him in his fullness of power and love, of majesty and tenderness.
This is a new day; a new year. This is the dawning of the New Year – bringing forth a new day, a time in which I will reveal my ways and my mind. I long to feast at the table with you and to share sweet fellowship with you. The invitation is extended this day to come and dine as the music begins. The winds of my spirit blow and the ever living waters flow!
Come forth! Believe and you will see my glory! See to it you do not fall short of it, for I have given to you everything you need to succeed – just believe and you will see my glory, says the lord of hosts!
I am sending (have sent) my holy angels into the earth to accomplish that which I have given them to do. These are worshipping angels who cause the winds of my spirit to blow on the strings of my heart which reach out to all whose hearts are connected to mine.
As the symphony begins, the sound will gather together those whose hears are in symphony and harmony with the sound coming from the throne room and carried on the winds of the spirit by the worshipping angels. As the symphony begins, those who are in unity and harmony – those who worship me in spirit and in truth will enter into that place of my glory and there will we meet with them.
Yesterday is over and truly this is a new day and new hour. The hour has come for me to be glorified through those who worship me in spirit and in truth.
Cause me to come as I cause you to come – ever drawing you closer to me – tugging at the strings of your heart. Let me play the love song of my eternal and everlasting love.
The old has passed away and behold, I am making all things new. I will lift you up into the very heavenlies as you lift me up in worship.
Lift up not only your eyes, but lift up your heads and lift up your hearts.
Speak to the gates eternal and see that they will open, that the king of glory may enter into your very presence.
Shout! Shout! Shout! Dance! Dance! Dance! For I truly rejoice over you, for I lovingly dance over you.
Reach out to the heavenlies. Reach out and touch the stars. Reach out and touch the 'morning star' embracing him in his fullness of power and love, of majesty and tenderness.
This is a new day; a new year. This is the dawning of the New Year – bringing forth a new day, a time in which I will reveal my ways and my mind. I long to feast at the table with you and to share sweet fellowship with you. The invitation is extended this day to come and dine as the music begins. The winds of my spirit blow and the ever living waters flow!
Come forth! Believe and you will see my glory! See to it you do not fall short of it, for I have given to you everything you need to succeed – just believe and you will see my glory, says the lord of hosts!